
LWRA Community

Our Expanding Community

Our Community is constantly expanding and changing. Over 50 years ago, most of the suburbs were large plots – 5 acre or 1-acre plots – as can be seen from many of the older beautiful homes still intact. A lot of the roads, including the road around Korsman, were gravel roads. Over the years, development has come, but the initial infrastructure was done many years ago.

Many beautiful old trees were planted, which is why the area is regarded as one of Benoni’s green lungs.

Major Projects and Milestones

As far as possible, LWRA tries to work with the community on all major projects. The first major project for Lakewest with its mandate to provide security for residents living in the area was collecting funds to erect the booms. This was done more than 15 years ago. We had over 75% of residents living in the area voting for an enclosed area – not only did they vote for this to happen, they contributed financially. Each contributing resident paid R2,700 capital plus a monthly fee, and we had 6 amazing people/companies contribute R50,000 each to sponsor actual booms.

Our initial sponsors were:

  • Anver Adamjee
  • Bevan Davis
  • Cedric Welsh
  • Clive Novis (x2)
  • Jerry Govender

We are eternally grateful to their hard work and dedication. Since then, we’ve come a long way, with constant fundraising and community-driven projects.

Community Environmental Efforts

We had a special Arbour Day where we raised funds, bought, and planted Kei apple trees around the perimeter of the golf course where it joins LWRA along Sunnyside, Stymie, and Divot. While some of them sadly have not made it, many are starting to grow into beautiful thorny barriers protecting residents from intruders.

Kei apple tree planting

Resident Contributions

Many SNPR (number plate recognition) and CCTV cameras have been installed at booms and throughout the area thanks to specific donations – by residents or by clever joining together of residents in streets or complexes. This is an ongoing project, and we encourage all residents to get together with their neighbours to gather funds for a camera in your street or your portion of a long street.

CCTV camera setup in LWRA

Call to Action

If there is a project close to your heart, please talk to us – together as a community much can be achieved!


Click here: Be Part of the Solution